





BS and EN Standards 英国欧洲标准

BS 6807:2006 Methods of test for Assessment of the Ignitability of Mattresses, Upholstered Divans and Upholstered Bed Bases with Flaming Types of Primary and Secondary Sources of Ignition 床垫,长沙发椅,床托阻燃测试 (BS 5852:1990 (IS 2-7))

BS EN 597-1:1995 Furniture- Assessment of the ignitability of mattresses and upholstered bed bases - Smouldering cigarette 床垫-模拟香烟测试

BS EN 597-2:1995 Furniture- Assessment of the ignitability of mattresses and upholstered bed bases - Match flame equivalent床垫-模拟火柴测试

BS 7175:1989 The ignitability of bedcovers and pillows by smouldering and flaming ignition sources 被罩,枕头的闷烧及火焰燃烧

BS 7177:2008+A1:2011 Specification for Resistance to ignition of mattresses, divans and bed bases床垫,沙发型长椅,床托的阻燃测试规范

BS 5866-4:1991 Blankets suitable for use in the public sector. Part 4: Specification for flammability performance 公共部门用毯子.第4部分:易燃性能规范

ISO Standards,ISO 标准

ISO 12952-1:2010 Textiles-Burning behaviour of bedding Items -part 1General test methods for the ignitability by a smouldering cigarette 纺织品-床上用品的阻燃性能-香烟测试

ISO 12952-2:2010 Textiles-Burning behaviour of bedding Items -part 2 Ignition source: match-flame equivalent纺织品-床上用品的阻燃性能-模拟火柴测试

US Standards 美国标准

TB 106 Requirements, Test Procedure and Apparatus for Testing the Resistance of a Mattress or Mattress Pad to Combustion Which May Result from a Smoldering Cigarette 床垫,床衬垫的香烟闷烧测试要求,方法及其设备

16 CFR 1632 Standard for the flammability of mattresses and mattress pads (FF 4-72, Amended)

16 CFR 1633 Standard for the Flammability (Open Flame) of Mattresses and Mattress/ Foundation Sets 床垫/床托的明火阻燃测试要求及测试程序。

TB 121:1980 Flammability Test Procedure for Mattresses for Use in High Risk Occupancies 用于高危险居所的床垫测试程序

TB 129 Flammability Test Procedure for Mattresses for Use In Public Buildings 用于公共场所床垫的阻燃测试方法。

TB 603:2004 Requirements and test procedure for resistance of a mattress /box spring set to a large open - flame 床垫/弹簧床,蒲团明火阻燃测试要求及测试程序。

TB 604:2007 (DRAFT) Test Procedure and Apparatus for the Open Flame Resistance of Filled Bedclothing 带填充料的被褥明火测试程序和设备

NFPA 267:1998 Fire characteristics of mattresses and bedding assemblies exposed to flaming ignition source床垫明火测试方法

ASTM E1590:2007 Standard test method for Fire testing of mattresses (open flame)床垫明火测试方法

Canadan Standards 加拿大标准

SOR/2016-183 & CAN/CGSB-4.2 No 27.7加拿大床垫的阻燃-香烟测试

GB Standards 国家标准

GB/T 20390.1-2006 纺织品 床上用品燃烧性能 第一部分:香烟为点火源的可燃性试验方法 Textiles-Burning behaviour of bedding items-Part 1: Test methods for the ignitability by a smouldering cigarette

GB/T 20390.2-2006 纺织品 床上用品燃烧性能 第2部分:小火焰为点火源的可燃性试验方法/ Textiles-Burning behaviour of bedding items-Part 2: Test methods for the ignitability by a small open flame